It has been revealed now that Sir Alex Ferguson, the Man UTD’s legend mastered the art of man-management in the midst of smashed glasses, angry wives and drunk clients at a rough Glasgow pub, in a fresh biography name Bottled written Benjamin Roberts which is all about long association of football with football. In the biography Robert has written how Fergie master the art of removing the culture of drinking at Man UTD.

Alex Ferguson got this wonderful management skill from his player experience. He was one of the top players during his playing career. He ran a pub as well, and by running the pub he accumulated the skill how to deal with different people. Ferguson tried his management luck with St Mirren and East Stirling, but concluded badly after which he decided to start a docklands pub.
There he encountered many situations where he was required to deal with people of different mindsets in different conditions. Ferguson confirmed, he learned all man management skills at pub only. “He confirmed that the skills he learned at the club were very useful for him and he used for managing players.”
In biography Roberts confirmed “Ferguson was very careful for his players and he used to protect players in public. However, at the same time, Robert mentioned, Ferguson felt it was outrageous not only footballers but other sportsmen also weren’t taking football seriously the way he use to take the game and behave professionally.”